Thursday, January 19, 2006

Life Set to Music

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am in love with music. So much so that it is part of my identity. I learned to play the piano when I was 3 by watching my mom and dad play. Don't get excited, I was no Mozart, but I had already begun to appreciate what music really was.

Music is an outlet for joy, grief, surprise and anger. It's a love story, a comedy, a drama or farce. It can be anything that you want or feel it to be. I think that's why my favorite kind of music comes from film. And I'm talking about the motion picture pieces that were written especially for a movie. Lyricless and expressive.

I always thought that I would be a film composer some day. I'm not, of course, but I would still love to be. Writing out emotion in a language that not everyone can speak, but anyone can understand. My music may not mean anything to someone else, but it means something to me. It defines who I was, am and could be.

You should try living your life and dreaming your dreams to music. Then take the next step to create it.

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