Saturday, May 14, 2011

super saturday?

Ok, so a couple of things. We made another trip to Goodwill and found a bike for Blaine (when he's a little older) for $15.00!!! Mind you, this bike is brand new. I know, right?!? And then I found a skirt (also brand new) with the price tag......$295.00!!!! I mean, for real! What a good deal day. Might try to sell that bad boy on e-bay. Lastly, Blaine really wanted his own mailbox. So we made him one.....out of cardboard. It only needs to be personalized now. We're going to cover it with some "boy" paper and put Blaine's name on it. If you have an empty cereal can make one too, it's so easy! So that was our SUPER SATURDAY!!!!! Are we rednecks or what?!?

1 comment:

Beck said...

Nice!! I'd probably just keep the skirt so I could say that I actually own a $300 skirt. lol But sounds like an awesome day. :)