Friday, August 20, 2010

blessed with odds and ends....

So our heating element went out on our dryer the other day (and before you start worrying that this will be a pity party - it has a good ending :). I was really concerned about how we were going to take care of it, get rid of it, fix it, afford it.....or kill it lol. We decided to fix it ourselves and order the part that the dryer needed. At this point, we were still worried about spending the money but went ahead with the purchase anyway. So this same day (when I really did throw myself a pity party, haha), Michael was offered a short time job doing some construction. And his wages just covered the expense of that part! Isn't life amazing? I felt so so so blessed that the opportunity to take care of ourselves came up!

Now, I'm sure you've noticed the picture with knitting needles and yarn. It was announced at church that we were having our quarterly woman's meeting this Thursday and that several classes would be offered for us to take. Blogging (which I already knew how to do, though not well), Signing for Beginners (which I also knew how to do, and not very well at that either) and Knitting. I've always wanted to knit/crochet, but have very little patience teaching myself anything. So when the opportunity for someone else to teach me came up, I jumped on it...wrestled with it a little bit, then wrapped it up with a bow and tagged on a note; "to Me, from Me". And you know what? I had a fantastic time! Now don't misunderstand me and start thinking I've found that it was my calling in life, I still blew at it....but it was so much fun to learn a new skill. And I'm hoping that one day, I'll be able to make something other than "entry unknown". Like a sweater (um, those are pretty big) a baby cap (that's not uneven) or a potholder (maybe the size of a quarter).

1 comment:

Beck said...

I love you, Sis! Your blog is very enjoyable to read. You always make me laugh with your cute little quips. ;)