Thursday, April 11, 2013


Blaine said goodbye to one of his favorite speech therapists today.  She accepted another position that is perfect for her.  And we're happy for her, we really are, but we're also going to miss her.  About a year ago, Michael and I had gotten into a tiff (the argument was my fault, let's just get that out there)...and he decided to take Blaine out somewhere so that I could "cool off".  I have to believe that our fight was providential.  The boys went to Chick-Fil-A...they have great food AND a play it's win-win in our book.  Unbeknownst to Michael, a special event for AG Bell (Alexander Graham Bell Association  for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) was being hosted there.  Miss Taylor was present and noticed Blaine's hearing aids.  She asked if they were there for 'said event', to which Michael replied "No, I've never even heard of AG Bell before.".  She explained their purpose and told him where she worked (Clarke School).  Short story long, she took Blaine under her wing from the beginning and got him to where he is today.  Without her, we wouldn't have been able to get him into his school (a once in a lifetime opportunity, I assure you).  And seriously, all because of a fight!    Her caring and dedication have meant so much to us as a family and to many others.  She will be definitely be missed!

1 comment:

Beck said...

Sad that she'll be leaving Blaine,but happy she's going somewhere better for her. :)