Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter fun....

on your mark, get set.....

new additions to our family, cousin madison and zoe...

blaines belated basket

Well, I committed an Easter gaffe by not having Blaine's basket ready for him that morning. The basket itself was ready, but I did not put it out because I had to be at church early for choir. Big mistake! All of his teachers and friends kept asking him what he got for Easter and he looked at me as if to say..."What basket? What are they talking about?" He got it eventually, after church.......and a nap lol. We also went to an Egg Hunt that afternoon at his great-grandma's (Mema) house. He was more interested in the old fashioned water pump than the eggs with candy in them and even then, he had a great time!


Anonymous said...

You think it's bad at easter, wait till you have to stay up all Christmas Eve assembling, cursing, and wishing you had bought something already assembled! He's really growing though, time for a hair cut!

Love you, Dad

Jennifer said...

looks like lots of fun!!!!!

Anonymous said...

where's Blaine's face...I knoe he has a beautiful head of hair already. tee hee Love Mom